Thursday, January 24, 2013

Readability counts.

Now idea of this post is to simply give the idea that there are more than one ways of doing same thing in python but the final call is yours!
For example, I recently notice some argument regarding the correctness of the following expression in python:

if not x in alist OR if x not in alist

Now, both produces the same result. I personally favor the second one as its easy to understand for anyone. I let you decide you choices :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Choose random elements from a list.

Hi! there exists a simple library function that can be found in the random module to sample out a list of length N which contains the random elements from a given list. The original list remains unchanged.

Here is the simple code snippet.

import random

old_list = [1,2,3,4,5]
new_list = random.sample(old_list, 3)

Running the above code will give us a list of length 3 containing random elements from old_list.
>>> random.sample(a, 3)
[5, 1, 2]
>>> random.sample(a, 3)
[1, 5, 2]
>>> random.sample(a, 3)
[1, 2, 5]
>>> random.sample(a, 3)
[2, 1, 5]
>>> random.sample(a, 3)
[5, 1, 3]
>>> random.sample(a, 3)
[1, 3, 2]

*Note: If the old_list contains repeated elements then its not guaranteed to have unique element in the new_list.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Using VIM: Multiline comments.


If you use VIM for code editing and finding it difficult to comment multiple line at a time then here is the simple process to do so:
1. Enter Visual mode(Block mode) using ctrl+v, select the lines which you want to comment.
2. Then do, I#<Esc>

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Password Generator In Python

Here is my small code fragment to generate random alphanumeric password for given length.

def generate_random_password(length=10):
        This function will generate the random alphanumeric password of given  length.
        param length: The requied password length.

        rtype: a string containing the generated password.
        letters = string.letters
        digits = string.digits
        message = letters + digits
        passwd = ''
        for i in range(length):
            passwd += random.choice(message)
        return passwd

You can call above function with the following arguments:

The above function can be enhanced by adding special character support etc.

Have fun :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pdb: Interactive Python Debugger


Since few days I was thinking about if there is any way by which I could dive into my running program and see what is going on behind the seen so, I started searching for some tool but as usual python comes with a huge set of libraries and batteries included and after some searching I got this very interesting module Pdb.

 Really If you are serious programmer then you need to have it. I will take all of you to this interesting journey and I will explain one feature a day so that it doesn't become difficult to digest. For the inpatients I am providing some links where you can find its complete documentation.

1) Python official documentation page:
2) A very good documentation by Hellman: 


First the easy way.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This script shows the working of the pdb module.
First you have to import the pdb module. Its
available in the default python installation.
import sys
import pdb

def check_even(alist=None):
    res = []
    if alist and isinstance(alist, (list,)):
        for number in alist:
            res.append(number) if not number%2 else []
    return res

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print "Too few argument!"
        print "Usage: python <'numbers'>."
        res = check_even(sys.argv[1].split(','))
        print "Result:"
        print res

Ok! above is a simple module to take all the even numbers in a given sequence and discard the odd ones(Although its not a good way to do it but we are learning debugging not optimizing ;)). 
    You can see that I have imported the module pdb but not used it, but you will see its use just now.
If you run the script first time you will get some error message something like: "TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting". Hmm, if you are smart enough then you know what happened but we will try to do it pythonic way, for that I will modify my code a little bit.

def check_even(alist=None):
    res = []
    if alist and isinstance(alist, (list,)):
        for number in alist:
            res.append(number) if not number%2 else []
    return res

Now, you can see that I put the statement pdb.set_trace() in my function definition. The point here is you have to guess which lines are causing problem or to be safe you can put it in the start of function definition. Now, run the code again. You will see that your interpreter just stops and prints out something like this:

-> if alist and isinstance(alist, (list,)):

Now, it means you are in the interactive debugger and ready to play. Now before moving forward I must tell you some commands which are important for using the debugger.
1. 'n', continue execution until next line is reached.
2. 'c', continue execution until the next breakpoint.
3. 'q', quit from the debugger, the program being executed is aborted.
4. 'a', to see the argument list of the current function.
5. 'l', list the source code for the current line, by default it show you 11 lines around the current line. To change the default value you can do: l [first, [last]]
One important thing to note that pdb allows you to access any variable in the interpreter. You can also run some code while staying in the debugger.

Ok! so returning to our code, press 'n' to move to the next line.

-> for number in alist:
(Pdb) n

-> res.append(number) if not number%2 else []
(Pdb) number

Hmm, now type 'number'!  and there you can see the problem.

-> res.append(number) if not number%2 else []
(Pdb) number
The number was supposed to be int! to confirm that its a string type: type(number).
(Pdb) type(number)
<type 'str'>
Exit the debugger, type 'q'.
Now, we know what to do, right?
change the code:

def check_even(alist=None):
    res = []
    if alist and isinstance(alist, (list,)):
        for number in alist:
            res.append(int(number)) if not int(number)%2 else []
    return res

Run, the script again. You will see the pdb prompt again, simply press 'c'.
python "1,2,3,4"

-> if alist and isinstance(alist, (list,)):
(Pdb) c
[2, 4]

Ok! now its working as expected. Now, you can remove the "pdb.set_trace()" statement, mind it I have not followed proper programming practices in my code. But If I had followed that then there would have been less chances of debugging.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Gnome terminal's scrollback feature

It really becomes irritating sometimes when you want to do scrollback on the terminal and the screen halts after a certain limit, there are basically two options to overcome this limitation:
  •  one is either you put the output in a log file and then check the output of the terminal in the log file but this seemed too much overhead for me.
  • The second option is quite simple and you can just change the scrollback setting through you Gnome Terminal itself.Just open the terminal and do:
    • Edit->Profiles->Default->Edit->Scrolling->Scrollback

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Transfer files/folders remotely using ssh


Today I learned hoe to transfer files and folder to a remote host by command line.Ya! I kno that we have GUI tools like filezilla but somehow its functionality is limited as today I was not able to transfer files as there was permission denied error in the filezilla.What I did...

  1. Compress the folder
  2. Run this command :
            scp ~/localfile_location  remote_username@ip_addr:remote_location
   3. You will be asked for the password.

   4. You are done.